The Historic Jones Mill, Fountain Inn, South Carolina
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The Fountain Inn Museum & Jones Mill Project are supported through grants and donations from people like you.
Thank you for your generous support!
How you can help
Support the Jones Mill Project
Your gift provides operating support for exhibitions, events, and educational programs. Whether it’s to honor or memorialize a family member, friend, or ancestor, your donation has a direct impact on our mission to engage the public in the history of Fountain Inn and surrounding areas, both now and in the future.
Give to the Jones Mill Project
There are many ways of including the Fountain Inn Museum & Jones Mill Historic Preservation in your philanthropic plans: with gifts of annual support, major gifts or endowment and program support, or gifts made in conjunction with your estate planning process. Consider making a gift online, or contact us to discuss how you might support the Jones Mill.
Jones Mill
1344 Jones Mill Road
Fountain Inn, SC 29644
864-862-2586 x124
Built by MESH Community Solutions, LLC. Copyright 2024